An eye examination is really important and doesn’t forget we are not just checking how well you can see and if you need glasses. A large part of the examination is checking the health of your eyes and lots can be determined by your general health. Of course, we also want to make sure you have the best vision possible to keep you safe on the roads and enjoying life to the full.

When should I have an eye test?
Everyone should have their eyes examined at least every 2 years but for some people, this interval needs to be shorter. Your optometrist should advise you when your next eye test is due. However, there are many reasons your optometrist may request to see you back in practice before 2 years.
Many opticians like to see young patients more frequently as while they are growing they can experience vision changes quite quickly. It is important their vision is as sharp as possible so they can perform in the classroom. Many good opticians will also like to check for any muscle imbalances in younger children – waiting two years is a long time in a young person’s development.
There are certain times in life when vision changes and it crucial you get the right advice during that period.
If your optometrist notices any changes in the appearance of your eye (usually parts you cannot see yourself) we will ask to check this again in six or twelve months. Changes will occur naturally with age and usually, need no further investigation. Our optometrists see many pairs of eyes a day and have vast experience knowing when a tiny change can have a significant result if left for too long.
Another common and very important reason for a more frequent eye examination is if you, or an immediate family member, have an eye disease. This may be glaucoma or macular degeneration which needs careful monitoring.
Should I be concerned if I am advised more regular eye examinations?
Optometrists are there to detect, monitor and prevent wherever possible. If they feel they need to keep an eye on anything, they will inform you of this but there will be nothing to worry about. Most of the time this will be your optometrist being extra cautious.
What do I do if I’m not due an exam but am worried about my eyes?
Contact your local optometrist, inform them of your worries and they will advise you accordingly. Having an eye test every 2 years should be the minimum and go more than this isn’t a problem at all.
As with any part of your body, if you notice something is different – get in touch with an expert immediately. Opticians are trained in asking the correct questions, listening and passing on information to a qualified member who will contact you with advice.